What’s in my bag?! / SK 6

Assignment Link My Wallet Carmex A Wrist Brace Car Keys with pepper spray and a Rock Lee keychain A Pouch with Masks Nametag for work Boxcutter also for work Random change Sharpie Retainer Case My cousins actually got me this black elephant bag from Claires years ago. I have used it on and off, butContinue reading “What’s in my bag?! / SK 6”

Late Night Happenings / SK5

Assignment Link For this sketch assignment, I wanted it to simple but meaningful. I had a totally different idea while going through Pinterest and finding a good photo. I was trying to find a photo that was landscape orientation, but Pinterest only had portrait photos. It take me forever to find a photo that IContinue reading “Late Night Happenings / SK5”

Dessert Combophoto / SK4

Assignment Link While browsing through photos on Google, I was searching for photos relating to food and a specific color. I initially was going to combine a photo of Almond Joy and a glacier, but I decided not to because I couldn’t find a good glacier photo. Then, I came up with the idea ofContinue reading “Dessert Combophoto / SK4”

Artistic GDP / SK3

Assignment Link These notes are from my intro to macroeconomics class. As you can tell, we are learning about gross domestic product ( aka GDP ). While I was creating this, I realized that I overlooked a couple of pieces of notes in class. I didn’t fully comprehend the slides. I enjoyed drawing my notesContinue reading “Artistic GDP / SK3”

Inside or Outside? / SK2

Assignment Link A hair clip turned into a rib cage. I knew that I wanted to do something with the hair clip, but I wasn’t sure what it could transform into. I held it up at different angles to see. Holding it far away, I realized that it looked like ribs. I got this hairContinue reading “Inside or Outside? / SK2”

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